Monday, February 25, 2013

Committee to implement 4-year plan -

PDN article:  February 23, 2013

The System of Care Expansion Grant’s over-arching goal is to infuse our island community with awareness on children mental health needs and their families through education and training, on workforce capacity development, across agency collaboration, and infrastructure development and sustainability.

Another goal is to institutionalize the philosophy of system of care, core values and best practices in the entire child serving agencies and in our community as the standard of care for services to children, youth and families.

We have seen the good that have come out over the years with the I Famagu’on-ta, child mental health initiative and we want to spread this best practice throughout our island so that every child, youth and family would benefit from this human service framework. 

To achieve these goals we have to sustain the practice beyond the federal dollars.  During challenging financial times, this can be very daunting.  However, with collective efforts of partner agencies, families and stakeholders in our community, supported by new findings in research, and federal technical assistance, we were able to complete the development of a 4-year Strategic Expansion Plan for Guam.  The plan has five main strategies and several sub-strategies with action steps from year one through year four.

We are pleased to report two months after the development of the Guam plan, a major milestone in the plan was achieved when Governor Eddie Calvo signed an executive order on November 8, 2012 establishing the Executive Committee on System of Care (ECSOC).   We celebrated this accomplishment in Adelup last Tuesday in the unveiling of the Expansion Plan and the coming together of the members of the ECSOC to commit to implementing the plan in collaboration with the Guam System of Care Council (GSOCC) and the Expansion Planning Team (EPT).

The establishment of the ECSOC is a sub-strategy of Strategy One:  Implementing regulatory changes and system-wide care standards and protocols across child serving agencies and services providers for continuous quality management.

The committee is comprised of Directors from Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (DMHSA), Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), Department of Education (DOE). Department of Youth Affairs (DYA), Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID), Guam Police Department (GPD), the Judiciary, and the Department of Administration, (DOA).

As a senior level management, the ECSOC will work together in the implementation of the Guam 4-year plan through a coordinated, comprehensive, interagency approach in the development of a continuum of care that is child-centered, youth guided and family-driven, which emphasizes prevention, early intervention, home and community based services for children with mental health challenges and their families.  Special attention shall be given to children who are at high risk.

The ultimate goal of the Strategic Expansion Plan is to create a unified system of care island-wide, across all of Guam’s child serving agencies which includes a broadly supported, sustainable array of home and community based services provided by skilled providers trained in system of care values, principles and best practices which enables children and youth from birth to age 21 to achieve their maximum potential and builds on the strengths of Guam’s diverse families.

In the coming weeks, we will be presenting and elaborating on all the five strategies and sub-strategies of this Expansion Plan.  We invite input from the public into the implementation of the plan.  Please call us at 477-5338/9/5349/1050 for more information, or if interested in helping out.

Written By: Annie F.B. Unpingco , LCSW